This year's already shown great promise. Fun with our favorite kooks and more more more.
- How do Kibologists react to the Kennedy and Bono tragedies?
- Kibo dodges jury duty
- Kibo has a gyro
- Kibo is a REAL POSEUR
- Kibo heckles a UFO cult
- Kibo talks about the mass media
- Subject: The Coming War With The Peeps (says it all, doesn't it?)
- Maybe the perfect a.r.k. post from Matt McIrvin
- NASA announces strange discovery
- Kibo's first reaction to the Teletubbies
- The Teletubbies/Taco Bell connection
- A new Orbitz discovery
- Kibo's Teletubbies parody
- More on the Teletubbies
- And more on the Bubblebabies
- Kibo attacks family values
- How do I get into Kibology?
- A Kibo media update
- Tjames Madison on Hitler
- Headmaster Kibo checks in
- Ted Frank spots an exceptional put-down
- Leader Kibo and the Last Seinfeld
- Kibo on the state of the web
- Kibo on Sinatra and TV
- Kibo and Ted Frank discuss Bulworth and other topics (this really is a fine post, from the completely off-topic Subject: line to the kibology movie rating scale. Four stars and three bombs.)
- The media notes Kibo's comments re: Seinfeld and Sinatra
- Kibological therapy
- Why USENET is the optimal mass communication medium
- Kibo the killer poet
- The rules of succession in a Kibo Presidency
- Sexually abusing USENET?
- Dissecting a Lee S. Bumgarner message-id
- Kibo is prepared
- Alexander Abian and USENET economics
- What can you say about Phil Hartman? (This was probably not read at any memorial service.)
- A wonderful Kibo self-characterization
- A fine historical treatment of Kibo numbers (And Kibo mocks me, to boot.)
- Six uneasy pieces
- If a posting falls in a non-existant group, does it make a sound?
- The movie of Kibo's life
- Alexander Abian dead?
- A television viewing quandry from Nick Bensema
- A perfect grammar flame from Kibo
- Kibo's a Space Viking
- Ted Frank presents the epitome of Kibology
- Kibo shows the light about acronyms
- What could be more exciting than Muppet Crotch
- Kibo and Andrea Chen tag-team
- Kibo needs no endorsement
- Why Nick s Bensema shouldn't be in Congress
- Matt McIrvin's lost masterpiece
- Kibo's new TV network
- More early Matt McIrvin
- The Crisco Cycle
- Rules about trolling and Kibo
- An apology from Leader Kibo
- Kibo discusses Fox
- Kibo wants a gambling problem
- The Year 2000 is approaching