These are a collection of some images I've rendered with POV-Ray, a public domain ray tracer. Where images are available, they're in the smaller jpeg format and the much larger, but more detailed ppm format. If you're dying to see the large images and can't render either of these, let me know.
I have no illusions that I'm other than a rank amateur at this, but it's a fun way to spend time.
Images of the moon base. More on the base images page. The image was made by POV version 3.0 and a hand-edited configuration. They were done in early 1998.(640x480 PPM JPEG)
This was an attempt to draw a realistic pint of beer. All done by hand in POV 3.0 (no modeller). It never did grow a scene around it. The configuration files are available as a gzipped tar file. Images from mid-1998.
The holiday card Brenda and I sent in 1998. More information and images are available on the 1998 holiday card page. The image was made by POV version 3.0 and a hand-edited configuration.(800x534 PPM JPEG)
An image I made for some friends to commemorate a night spent in their hot tub. Yes, the tub is really that color. The image was made by POV version 3.0 and a hand-edited configuration. Here are the gzipped and tarred pov source files. They were done in early 1999.(800x600 PPM JPEG)
This is the result of a few hours trying to familiarize myself with Stephen Chenney's sced modeller and POV version 3.1. I call it "Still Life with Orange and Martini." The sced and POV files are available as a gzipped tar file. The images were done in late May, 1999.
The holiday image I created for 1999. More information and images are available on the 1999 holiday image page. The image was made by POV version 3.1 and a combination of hand-edited and perl-generated configuration files. It was done in December 1999